Wednesday 4 August 2010

on top of the world and public toilettes

Well, what can I say, I am almost moving on again - this Friday and have not written anything about the current place.
We moved down from Lot and Garonne on the 24th July, a day earlier so that we could break the journey up and see Carcassonne, a place I dreamed of since watching programs on France and reading the book Labyrinth. It certainly was worth stopping over although when I first got there, I was slightly disappointed. You build mental images of places and when they are not exactly as you imagined, it shocks you. However, as we visited the walled city mid afternoon, again in the evening and first thing in the morning, it grew on me. It is very turisty, but actually quite beautiful and I would return.
Anyway, from there was on and upwards, literally, to our next place in the Pyrenees. If you've seen the pictures in Facebook, you can see how beautiful it is. However, after 6 kilometres up the mountain ( which honestly, feels like 20), I felt I would never come down again until the day to move on. It is steep and narrow and by the time we get either up or down on our travels, my knuckles are white and my shoulders tight from fear....

But, we have got used to it and it is paradise on earth. The studio is small but perfectly formed and the views are amazing. If I was doing it again, I'd only do a week up there as everything else is down and I'd rather not have to do that road every time.

Since being there though, we have visited a couple of beach resorts, just returned from Argeles Sur Mare, which I really enjoyed today and we also visited Collioure, where Matisse lived for a time and I really like that one. There are photos in Facebook.
Yesterday we visited Roses/Rosas in Spain. Weird to cross the border and not to be checked at all. The place was not that interesting, just a large built resort, but the coastal road there was something. Hairpin bends again but very dramatic. Like it.
We move on Friday to the Cote D'Azur and I will have wi-fi - hurray. Will write more then.

As an aside, I just want to mention public toilettes in France - not all, mind you. They still have loads of those that simply have a hole on the floor. Very weird and quite unhygienic, don't like them at all. Prefer to cross my legs for a time....

Will be in touch. Au revoir

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you will both be fit as a couple of athletes when you get back. Keep on enjoying it!
