Wednesday 21 July 2010

canoeing on the Dordogne

Just had a most fab day yesterday and felt really adventurous - for me anyway, since I am not very good with water.. We went canoeing down the Dordogne and it was amazing. Tons of people doing the same obviously. The pace is so gentle and the scenery just incredible, gives you another view point of the castles and the landscape in general. Our time in the Dordogne is coming to an end. We move on Friday to Carcassonne for one night and then the Pyrenees. We loved this area and would recommend it.

Food definitely improving, getting a bit tastier and with more options. This is the area for fois gras and duck in general, but good.

I haven't mentioned the market. Villereal has two a week and they are quite colourful. You can buy clothes, fresh food and even wine. A few of the local domaines set up stall and sell the ones by the bottle or boxes and you can taste them too!!!!

We visited the Chateau Montbazillac we also did some "degustation" and you could get quite drunk on it if you were that way inclined. Unfortunately I can't take it and Alan is driving, so just a small taste each. Happy days.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you both did a flip in the canoe! Carry on the good times. Neill.
