Friday 16 July 2010


Just thought I should put something in about the changing landscape as we move on from region to region in France. Whilst the Loire area was truly beautiful, it was mainly flat and covered in vineyards. As we moved along to Pointou Charente, the landscape became slightly hillier and more crop plantations start to appear with the vineyards almost disappearing from the map. Corn seems to be big here.

Now, in the Lot and Garonne, the landscape is becoming more and more mountainous with the first gorges and valleys starting to appear. There are a lot more vineyards again, particularly around the Bergerac area -well know for it- with a prevalence of sweet wines ( Montbazillac is very near us). There are lot more crops too - corn, walnuts and the sunflowers are just beginning to open. Absolute amazing to see hills covered in bright yellow. It does wake you up. Gorgeous. Haven't got photos yet.

The food is also improving and we can say we have had more good meals around here than in the last two places put together. Nothing memorable yet. Duck is big here as is fois gras - duck's liver pate for those of you than don't know. Haven't tried it yet as I am not in favour of the force feeding of the birds to enlarge their livers...

Anyway, we have another week here. Have seen loads of beautiful things and have loved the landscape too. It is our favourite so far. Am really relaxing now and getting into the holiday/retirement mode.

1 comment:

  1. 'Am really relaxing now and getting into the holiday/retirement mode.' About time too! Look forward to seeing the pix. Can you send some food over as well?
