Friday 27 August 2010

hubby does Monaco circuit - almost

Second attempt at this posting. It is our last day in Roquebrune, so, quiet day tiding up as the weather was overcast this morning, just to turn into a boiling hot afternoon.

Went to Menton on the border with Italy yesterday, so we have covered the whole of the South coast. Took the coastal road on the way back so Alan could do the Monte Carlo circuit and to avoid the very high up motorway that we took on the way in and almost caused him to have a panic attack. Got lost in the underground tunnels in Monte Carlo and finished on the other side of the town, missing the circuit on the way. Shame.

Still had a brilliant trip back using the coastal road and going through the various resorts along the way including Nice, which was really good as we had forgotten how nice it actually is. Much nicer than Cannes that was too posh for us. The only thing that is not nice is how built up the coast is now around Cannes, Nice, Monte Carlo. The hills are alive with horrible developments not at all in keep with the region. Still would like to do the coastal road again out of season to better appreciate the landscape.

Over to deep Provence tomorrow. 6th leg of the trip and 2 1/2 months to go.

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