Thursday 8 September 2011

Genetics and beauty in the eyes of the beholder

Just been thinking, I might know the reason why Italian women are slim. I think they were genetically modified by the constant going up and down the alleys in the hundreds of walled towns/villages and cities across this country. I struggle going up hill only to see these very old women taking it completely in their stride. Good for them.
Mind you, it has not had the same effect on the slum inhabitants of Rio! No skinny/elegant ladies there. It might need a couple of generations for genetics to kick in.Ha,ha,ha.

I was also thinking about listening to people's views about places, etc. We use the rough guide to Italy and very informative it is, but, sometimes we are surprised by places that they say might hardly be worth a visit and then, we get there and really enjoy it. Sometimes it is hard to explain why we like places, but as soon as we get to a town, we seem to get a feel for it. It is like buying a house. You know the right one when you step in, even though you might have seen others a lot better.

We really enjoyed visiting San Marino, though it is just shop after shop selling duty free and the like, but it was fantastic for the views. We also, really enjoyed Assisi this week and Perugia. Today we visited the castle in Spoleto and definitely it is worth a visit. We have seen hundreds of frescoed walls and churches so far and yet, we are always finding surprisingly beautiful new ones when we least expect. I suppose this is the beauty of travel and of being able to do it slowly and at our own pace. Good week really and only another 5 weeks to go. Time flies.

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