Saturday 17 September 2011

Arrivederci Umbria, ciao Toscana

Just left Spoleto today and was really sorry to go. It is a really nice town and I felt at home there. Laurie, the landlord, said there was an American couple staying in one of their flats that were going back in 2 days time, after spending a year there. It sounded good to me, I could see myself living there for a year too. Had a fab meal last night in a truly Italian atmosphere, no turists there. Great.

We arrived in Toscana with some trepidation. We knew it was somewhere isolated and, after the experience in Urbino, were slightly concerned. The GPS took us round some quite rustic roads and we were quietly wondering where we were heading to. Good outcome though. Yes, it is a village on the top of a hill and yes, it has a very small kitchen/living room and a very small bathroom, with a very weird shower cubicle, but, it is lovely.

The Italian landlady couldn't have been more thorough. We arrived to a fridge full of cold meats, water, cheese, fresh tomatoes, a bowl of fruits, a bottle of chianti, etc, etc. She made us a lovely espresso as soon as we got in and, definitely was the best welcome we have had so far.

Spent a couple of hours in getting sorted and went out to check out the village and get something to eat. Again, a small village with at least half a dozen lovely restaurants and a couple of bars. Had a lovely pizza, bottle of chianti and coffee for 33 euros. Brill. Know I am going to like it here. Will keep you posted. Only 4 weeks to go now. time is flying.

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