Monday 21 June 2010

I am still here.....

I know from the e-mails that everybody has been worried about the lack of update. Unfortunately we have lost the connection at the mill and it does not look like we will get it back. Won't bother you with the details. I find it amazing that even within 1 1/2 hours from where we are, which is the distance to the nearest larger towns, there is no internet cafe, so, if you don't have it where you are, you've had it.

The weather has been atrocious, but must not complain,a s at least we have not had the floods that have afflicted the folk down South. We are actually going to be very near where it happened, but not until August... It was a national disaster here. The rivers every where we go are really high but coping. We have stayed in quite a bit because of the poor weather, but, have also visited everywhere of interest nearby. Unfortunately this region is about walks and outdoors, so, in general life has been quiet.

We went to Limoges on Saturday - lovely medieval town - and had a nice meal at long last. Needless to say however that the choice was: cow's cheeks (again), tripe, snails or beef bourgingnon.... Needless to say, we chose the beef, even though I can't spell it... The only thing I can say, is that I am living the french way as the place was heaving with French families.

I am sorry, but nothing of interest to tell. We are still having a good time and have decided that with the money we saved by not eating out (because the food does not appeal) and not being out (because of the weather), we are now enjoying a couple of nights at La Rochelle on the coast and have, albeit limited, access to internet. Battery is running low.

Weather is beautiful and tomorrow we will spend the day at Ile de Re.

Will update again, when I can.


  1. Hi Vera, don't worry about updating your blog, just do it when you can - you are on a sort of holiday after all. Enjoy La Rochelle (even though it is in France!) Neill

  2. Hiya Vera & Alan,

    Me and Julie are justing catching up with your blog, and we're not really jealous. Anyway if the next reorganisation chucks me out of TSA we might be able to do some travelling ourselves.

    Glad your both still enjoying it and keep up the blogs when you can

    best wishes
    Mark & Julie
