Thursday 9 September 2010

mistral/storms/good days

well, haven't written for a few days because I think people get fed up of me saying what a great day I've had and all that. Also, because I like writing when I have found something that surprised me. This week we have found a few surprises: a lovely place called L'Isle sur la Sorgue which was very good for shops and restaurants and very French - what a surprise, since I am in France.... and from there went on to Fontaine de Vaucluse, which I really liked and will be going back to, probably for Sunday lunch as it has lots of nice eating places right by the riverside, very picturesque. Really liked the setting. Great mountains surrounding it and just a chilled out place.

We then had an almighty storm on Monday night that went on for six hours non stop of thunder and lightening as we have never heard before. Even the landlady that has lived here for 19 years said she screamed at one point as a really loud thunder seemed to have exploded right above our heads. Nobody slept much that night and the next day the mistral hit for the whole day. We just chilled out. As always, we were extremely lucky as in surrounding areas they had real deluges.

Today we saw evidence of the floods in the fields, with apple plantation and vineyards with still around 20cm of water around their roots. Shame.

We visited St. Remy where Van Gogh spent a year just before he died and where most of his very famous work was painted (I got a photo of myself in his room at the hospital he stayed at) and visited Le Baux nearby. Both really nice places that I recommend. The views from Le Baux were just stunning.

Sorry to be so boring, but France keeps delivering. Fabulous. I could get used to this life.

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