Thursday 2 September 2010

Falling in love with Provence

Here we are, day 5 of our new place and today we had a really good day. We went to Roussillon, which I thought would be a little village with nothing much and only known because of the wine. However, what a nice surprise. It is a large village, with lovely restaurants, shops with quality stuff and an amazing site of the world's biggest vein of ochre. As you'd expect most of the houses are painted in vermillion colour and the whole place is just amazing.

We then went on to Gordes, which is nearby and with amazing views as it is perched on the top of a hill.

Using Tom Tom, as always we avoid the motorways and as a result finished in part of the Nesque Gorge, which wasn't too bad as the roads were wider than previous ones we have been too and the mountains weren't that high. On the way back we travelled along the valley of the Veronde Gorge and this was really impressive.

To top up a lovely day, we stopped at our local Cave - Cave Terra Ventoux and bought lots of wine for a very good price. Oh, joy. Should last until we leave here.

Time seems to be flying, we are now on week 16 of our travels and only have another 6 weeks and a bit to go...

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