Wednesday 12 May 2010

oxford here I am

wow. If this is what retirement is like. Bring it on.... Just been to Jamie Oliver's Jamie and had a fab meal. Great value too.
Sorry, almost forgot to say that Oxford is brilliant too. Different from what I expected. Modern side of the city is taking over, but old buildings, colleges, gorgeous... am loving it and would like to come back again. Plenty of eateries too. My kind of place.
Staying at Head of the River Inn, a bit on the decadent side, but very quaint indeed. Happy to be here.


  1. Were there any murders whilst you were there? where are you now?

    Does Alan want to join in our World Cup predicting competition. It's free and all done on-line. Or has he got better things to do right now?!

    Keep on keeping on.


  2. Sounds like things are off on the right foot and starting to feel a bit envious! Enjoy the rest of your trip and I'll look forward to reading blogs. Neill
