Thursday, 27 May 2010

day 13 .... the adventure goes on

Well, at long last I have found a place with Wifi and right in the village where we are staying. It has been a long time. Let's give a quick - not me, surely - summary of the impressions to date:
. Longue is extremely quiet and my impression is that it is not that different from any other small village in France. Unlike Portugal, Spain and Italy, there is no promenading in the evenings. For that matter, nor at any other time. We go out and it feels like we are the only people left in the world. Quite weird really. Nobody around... Example: our anniversary. Got all dressed up and stepped out into the village and all 3 restaurants closed.... Went home to a Carbonara and long faces - both of us.

. people really friendly and very polite. So much merci madam/monsieur, that I even forget to answer. Really lovely.

. My French - useless. I get all tongue tied and can't remember a word to say to anybody, even the basics. BUT have not spoken in English at all, so, somewhat surviving. Have even answered the phone in the cottage and was understood. That is something.

. Really enjoying it all and the weather up to yesterday really good. Turned a bit today - Like England I think. The countryside is wonderful and the rivers just fantastic. Lots and lots of chateaux and we have visited quite a few already.

. No wine tasting as poor Alan wouldn't be able to enjoy a glass too. Will do it still. However, found a lovely local wine Saumur blanc, not cheap but excellent. SO enjoying that...

. Will stop here or will get boring, but now that I found this place, will be posting more frequently. They don't open everyday, so, there will always be a lag between posts. Photos to be uploaded soon. Miss everybody but getting into the swing of things here.

. E-mails welcome please. Don't forget me and sent this link forward to others that might be interested on what we are up to.


  1. Hi Vera (and Alan obviously - does he get to post on your blog?).

    Thought you'd enjoy Oxford. Did you get to Worcester College?

    It seems like quite a gentle start to your tour de France. Don't be too discouraged about your mastery of the French language - you never mastered English, so you can't expect to be an exopert in French in a couple of weeks!!! I'm sure things will get livelier as your tour progresses to other areas, and as it gets to French holiday season.

    Not much to report here. Yas has arranged - and then cancelled - three meetings with me in the last two or three weeks!! Haven't spoken to Richard since the election, so I don't know how things stand with the TSA.


    Dave and Chris

  2. "Haven't spoken to Richard since the election, so I don't know how things stand with the TSA."

    That's because you are so rubbish at keeping in touch Dave. You wanna try ringing me up once in a while.

    The TSA? Our Chair says pink is dead and a reunion with the HCA is currently the most likely outcome. Seriously. I've sent you an e-mail V, which gives you a little more detail, rather than hijack your blog.

    Incidentally, and I know I'm on thin ice here because my posts are littered with mistakes, but there is a delicious irony in Dave's post isn't there? Does an Exopert specialise in studying the outer portion of the continuous phase of cytoplasm of a cell?

    Keep on keeping on. Up the French.
