Sunday 7 August 2011

Oops, I've done it again and moving on...

Hurray, at long last I have my own connection and can start boring you all again....
For those on facebook, you will know that the title refers to my return to Venice before I left Treviso.

Venice never ceases to amaze me. I love getting lost in its alleyways and more wonderful still, is seeing 500 million people also lost, but rather than mad, really enjoying the experience. It was crazy again, very hot again and I still would go back tomorrow... and this is saying something, as I rarely want to go back to somewhere I visited before, as the world is such a large place and there is so much to see, but, Italy in general and London, will always have a special place in my heart.

We took the boat to the islands. Had already been to Murano, so went to Burano 9with its lovely and colourful houses) and Torcello which is not really worth visiting, unless you really want to see the first cathedral of Venice, built in 629. The boat trip however gives you another view of Venice and really, the city is like something out of an Arabian fairy tale. LOVE IT.....

We left Treviso (our favourite city so far) and are now in Ferrara. not really a beautiful city in aesthetic sense, more of a D. Fairhurst of cities, rugged and beautiful in its own way - nose and all. (HC staff will know what I mean). Had a wonderful walk round the walls of the town today. It is the most complete wall we have seen and really well used. Better than Lucca as it is tree lined for a good part of it and made me think of the Bois de Bologna, as I walked under its trees canopies.

Monday 1 August 2011

Italy v. France, markets and bread.

Just thought I should say something about my impressions regarding markets and breads in Italy. The markets are good, but so far, they are geared towards clothes, with very few food and vegetable stalls. There are always a couple of cheese and meats stalls, and one of cooked meals (lovely) and a couple of vegetables ones, but, I'd say it is 90% clothes and 10% for the other two. Unlike France where they were definitely about fresh and most importantly, local produce, with some little stalls where all there was for sale where a few baskets of home grown tomatoes and the like. A much more pleasurable experience, even though I have already bought a dress and a top on the market.

Another thing I have noticed is the quality of bread. ASDA has nothing to be ashamed of. I use to love the olive bread from Asda. The majority of breads here are on the hard/crusty side, And, as they do not like you to touch anything on the shops, you can't be sure the bread will be nice. The fresh foccacias em Emilio Romagna were a case apart and wonderful, but, really to eat there and then. As things here are very regionalised, no fresh foccacias to buy here.

Having a quiet day at home, hubby not feeling brilliant. Wonder if that glass of grappa at lunchtime yesterday has anything to do with it! Wonderful lunch yesterday, special place. Yummy.