Sunday 3 July 2011

Sunday, divine drink/desert and happy....

I forgot to tell you all about this amazing dessert/drink I had - now twice -and will definitely be trying to make at home - sorbetto al limone. Not a sorbet, but liquid mana from heaven. Wonderful after a meal. Had just the plain one, but just found out that it can be done with vodka or fizzy wine. WOW...

Had a lovely morning at Castel d'Arquato. Beautifully restored medieval town, an hour from here. Lovely laid back atmosphere, great views from the tower and a lovely meal in an enoteca with just Italians in. I love this country.

How can you not like a country with streets called Bellini, Puccini and my favourite Cherubini... Just the sounds of them, make me dream... Might mean bugger all, but that it sounds lovely, it does....

Sorry but more photos of castles adn the like to follow in facebook.

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